Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More Peepers

Salvado Dali
Franz Marc

J.C. Leyendecker


Van Gogh

David's eye with filtering effects

All except the last eye were painted in photoshop by yours truly. I had a lot of fun painting these, however the Leyendecker eye was really difficult to get so smooth, and it's still not a smooth as it should be.


  1. OMG, the freakin Dali and Rembrant one is SO good and full of texture!!! Mine are all soft compared to you T____T Still newb-ish to Photoshop painting....GREAT EYES, Arden!! 8D

  2. Haha thanks, and sorry for the delayed reply, haven't looked on my blog since the semester ended! I'm still new too, I just think I may have spent way more time on the eyes then I should've! :P
