Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Drakes in Color!


2 Desaturated

3 Red

4 Yellow

Okay...I'm really divided on which colors to go with if any of these at all. What do you guys think?


  1. Depending on what you want as your focal point, I'd say go with the first two options. I figured the character who is falling is the focal point and if that is the case, then the blue dragons pushed back could enhance that. You could even try playing with compliments so adding more orange elements, such as an oranger sky.

    Looking good, Arden!

  2. I like the first one, the color is rich! However, I agree with Kaylin. Try adding more colors to the sky. Make the focal point a little more bold, so the viewer will know what they are supposed to look at. (But be suttle about it!) Otherwise, lookin good!!!! :)
